A singer is a singing man
라이브의 여왕, 이은미
Known as the Queen of Live Performances and the Barefoot Diva, she has performed over 900 concerts, setting the highest record for female performers in Korea.
라이브의 여왕, 이은미
Known as the Queen of Live Performances and the Barefoot Diva, she has performed over 900 concerts, setting the highest record for female performers in Korea.
네오비즈컴퍼니(주) 대표이사 이효상 TEL 02-532-5802
서울시 마포구 와우산로 30길 18, 7층(창전동) FAX 02-6455-5805
사업자등록번호 105-87-88511 개인정보책임자 방문경
통신판매업신고번호 2018-서울마포-2185
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